Monday, April 25, 2011

Time for an update

Jaycee is a month old and I haven't posted at all. I look back at when Morgan was first born and am sad I didn't write more. At Jaycee's two week visit, she was 8lbs 2 oz. Almost a whole pound over her birth weight. Which was great because that meant I didn't have to wake her up for feedings in the night any more. She now goes 5-7 hours between feedings at night. She isn't really asleep that whole time so neither am I but but I'm still getting good stretches of sleep between feedings.
She is a pretty good baby. She has her fussy times when she just wants to be held but still sleeps a lot and I can't complain.
Morgan is so good with her. She is an awesome helper and loves to just look at Jaycee. She kisses her on her head and likes to hold her hand but by no means smothers her. She rarely shows signs of jealousy and has kept her normal routine very well. I feel so blessed to be the steward over these two beautiful girls. They bring so much joy to my life.
April 8th (2 weeks old)
April 17th ( 3 weeks old)

This was her second Sunday at church. Jaycee spit up all over her dress in the first 20 min on her first Sunday of church so we didn't get any pictures. I made these matching dresses for them and although you can't see them very well, they are pretty cute. And yes, Jaycee has totally lost the hair from the top of her head. Sad I know.


Susan said...

Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how you guys are adjusting - glad to hear things are going well! Miss y'all!

Terry and Kalli said...

so darling!! great update can't wait for this weekend!!!!

Megan, John and kids said...

I can't believe she's already so old. She really is so pretty, and I love the matching dresses. I'm glad that Morgan is such a good big sister and I hope that things continue to go well with the sleeping.

Sarah McM said...

I don't know how I missed the other blog posts with pictures of Jaycee, but I have been eagerly awaiting pictures and updates! I am so proud of you for getting the VBAC you wanted, Paij. That shows a lot of fortitude. Jaycee is absolutely gorgeous, and I think looks a LOT like little Paij. We'll just have to see, I guess.

Your daughters are GORGEOUS and I want to come play with them!

The Sullengers said...

I love the new pics - did you make those dresses like the one I made? They look similar and I love them! Such cute girls! sad she lost all her hair :)

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!