Sunday, March 18, 2012

Home Projects

Our house has been slowly but surely coming together. In some rooms, it was just a matter of finding the right thing to purchase to fill the spot but in other areas, projects were necessary.

The first was the bathroom. We found this owl shower curtain that I loved and needed a picture to match. So I painted this canvas to go above the toilet. Simple, but fun and matchy at the same time.

Next we had the family room. Our TV has to be off centered because of our couch and the layout of the room. So we were trying to find something to put on the wall that would spice it up but not compete with the TV. We looked at purchasing vinyl but our walls are fairly textured and we were afraid it wouldn't stay. Our friends in Mississippi had painted a branch on their bedroom wall and we thought we could do the same. They sent us the picture and we (Brent was a great help) traced the picture onto the wall then painted it. We're happy with how it turned out. Thanks for sharing your branch with us Sullengers.

Then we needed to find something for the little playroom wall. I searched pinterest for ideas and found this.
Fun Idea but where do you find all those letters?
I loved it but had no idea where to find all those letters. I began to search Amazon but each letter was between $8-$15 plus shipping. I didn't like it that much. So I decided to make them myself. I went to Home Depot and got a sheet of ply wood for $4.01. Brent and I drew the letters but I cut and sanded most of them myself. I just used things I already had around the house to cover them. Some are just painted, some covered in scrapbook paper, some painted with push pins inserted, some wrapped in yarn, and some padded and covered in material. Morgan helped with the painting and Brent did most of the hanging. I had to spend another $3.47 on that. But all in all, a very cheap, fun, and colorful way to decorate our playroom wall.
More pictures of the home to come soon!


Justin, Jessica, Kyleigh & Mason said...

Those letters are AMAZING!!! You are so talented!

Kristin said...

The rooms are so cute and creative. I loved the rainbow pancakes too. We usually do green shamrock pancakes, but I want to try those one year. My kids would LOVE it!

Lant Family said...

Love them all, you can help me make decorations anytime :) I especially love the letters, I don't have patience for longer projects like that and you did awesome!

Terry and Kalli said...

Too too fun. You guys are amazing!!

The Sullengers said...

That branch turned out great and so did the other projects! You have always had patience though, like when we did the alphabet bean bags....but it was fun :) Cute to see all the pictures - keep em coming!

Megan, John and kids said...

So cute Paij! Did you do these in San Diego or in Guam? It's great to see some pictures of your house.

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!