Monday, November 12, 2012

First half of trip to CA

Brent had a conference in AZ so I decided it was a good excuse for a trip back to the states. I told my family and they all planned accordingly. I planned to use a military flight but after 16 days of not getting off the island, I bought one way tickets to CA. My sister Kalli drove for 16 hours from AZ with her 5 children by herself to spend the week with us.  My other sister Haylee drove from UT 11 hours by herself with 3 kids to spend the next week with us.  My brother and his wife flew up from San Diego to spend the weekend with us.  And the rest of my family was local.  We had a wonderful time full of making memories.My little and angels during our 18 hours of travel. We took 3 separate flights and they really did pretty good. It was just long.

 The day after I arrived, Brent's niece Alexis got married.  I got to attend the wedding.  Here are grandma and grandpa Collins with baby Juliet.
 The father of the bride and his first grandbaby.
 One evening we went on a picture scavenger hunt with the theme of Awkward Family photos.  So we had different things we had to get in the picture around town and then had to make the picture awkward.  With my family, not hard to do.  This is my group. We didn't win, but we had a great time.
 Morgan loved painting with grandma
 And coloring with grandpa and Kasen

Jaycee loved loved the cows and being outside.  She would search all day for anyone to take her outside and then scream when they wanted to take her in. She was grandpa's little girl.
Cute little cousins in their matching shirts made by Aunt Kalli.  Morgan loved all the attention and playing with her cousins.

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!