We have been house hunting and did find a home on base. We move in on Tuesday the 7th at which point we will receive all of our household goods that have been shipped over. Yeah!
We have been to two small beaches. There are very few waves because there is a reef that surrounds most of the island so the waves break farther out. Morgan likes that because big waves scare her. It has been really windy and we've gone in the evening so haven't really swam yet but it is a very comfortable temp and pretty clear. We hope to venture out more tomorrow.
We had our first hard rain today. It came on pretty strong and Morgan looked at me and said, "Mom, who is taking a shower?" It was loud against the house but only lasted 15 min or so. This afternoon, Brent went to get something from the car and saw a crab crossing the street. You know you live on an island when...Also about the snakes. The rumors seem to maybe be true. There are snake traps set up about every 15 ft. along the cyclone fences of the base that back up to a lot of trees. There is a live mouse inside a cage inside of the trap. We have already seen several snakes stuck in the traps so I guess it works and hopefully that keeps them out of our neighborhood. We'll have to get a picture of those.
Other than that, the weather has been pretty good so far. Warm and humid but nothing like Mississippi. Maybe we were prepared for this. The base is great. It has everything we need. We'll post more on the house once we're in and more on the island once we've begun exploring. But just wanted to give an update.
We don't have new cell numbers yet but hopefully soon. Email is the best way to reach us for now. Sorry I haven't posted in three months. I should be better now. I did post 10 new posts today, Enjoy!
Yuck you had to start the adventure being so sick! Rough way to slim up for bathing suits. Can't wait to see more pictures!
I love all the updates! You guys have been busy and are up for such an awesome adventure! Your girls are so cute and growing up so big. I am always amazed with morgan especially since she was just a little one when you guys left here. Can't wait to see pictures of Guam and hear more about life over there.
Wow Paij, you are so adventurous! Good luck with everything. I am glad you posted because I wondered how things were going. I'll look forward to more posts:)
Also, those Hawaii pics were amazing... oh how I need to go back!!
I totally tried to comment a couple days ago but it was being weird! So happy to see all your new posts and can't wait to see a couple a day - document every step you take :) Just kidding, but sorry about the being sick and I hope you've settled in pretty good
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