Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just for fun

Morgan was being sweet as could be tonight. She had a bath, which she just loved. The fun didn't end when the bath was over though. She wouldn't stop smiling as daddy was drying her off. It was too much fun to let this memory slip away, so I grabbed the camera and started snapping away as we played games in the mirror. Once Paij got her fed and off to bed I decided to arrange the photos into a little collage. So here it is. Hope you enjoy.


Sarah McM said...

Am I the only one who thinks she strongly resembles baby Paij or Kalli? I need to see pics of Brent as a baby so I can compare, because I think I'm biased.

Megan, John and kids said...

Love it! Beautiful collage. And, I can definitely see Paij in her without looking at baby pictures.

Susan said...

Those are such beautiful pictures! I enjoyed your sidebar pics too - it's awesome that you guys travel. We always say we are going to, but never do anything!

Alayna said...

She is such a pretty baby!I love the pics!

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!