We just put our home on the market and are selling For Sale by Owner. We figure we need as much help as we can get with publicity so I'm starting here. We have actually started a blog with lots of pictures and all the house information. I would love it if you guys would check it out and make any suggestions to the house or the blog. Make suggestions here instead of on the other blog since that's what potential buyers will see. There will be a permanent link on the right side of our blog that will direct you to the house blog should you want to get back to it at a later date or tell someone about it. The web address is our home address:
Thanks for your help.
I was very impressed with your website! You all thought of everything. It is such a beautiful home and you all took great care of it. Good luck selling it. Do you know where you will be going yet?
Brent, I've just got to say that if people aren't interested in your house from that website, they're crazy. You seem to have thought of everything that anyone would want to know, now I guess it's just getting the blog address to the right people to look at it. I really hope you sell it soon!
Is this house already sold????..
I guess many buyers were really interested...
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