Saturday, March 10, 2012

Date Day- snorkeling!

We've decided date nights are good, but date days are better. There are lots of things to do around Guam that are difficult with young children. So we're making our dates during the day so we can explore the island. Today was our first date day and we went snorkeling. We had both been previously but it was way better to go together, at least for me, because I scare easily. We had a fabulous time chasing and feeding fish as well as exploring the coral.

We both really loved these fish. Both the pattern and the colors are just amazing.

This photo is not the clearest, but these fish are spectacular. You can appreciate their color better when not set on a beige background.

Here is a sample of the beautiful color found in the reef.

I know it's difficult to judge the size of these fish. Some were about 2in long while others were around 2ft. They are so beautiful and colorful.

After visiting one beach, we headed across the base to another. Different terrain, just as beautiful.

If you are interested in seeing more, you can check out a snorkeling video compilation we posted on YOUTUBE. The video is choppy so be prepared. We are still trying to figure out how to stabilize the camera while shooting video underwater. It is a little tricky to video while you are bobbing in the water and the video screen is difficult to see through a mask while underwater. If you can handle the all the motion it is worth your 3 minutes and 45 seconds of not doing something productive. Enjoy!

PS: If you're going to go snorkeling for several hours, put sunblock on the back of your legs!!


Susan said...

So cool! I've always wanted to do that. Someday :)

Megan, John and kids said...

Day dates are really such a good idea, though I'm not sure there's enough in the near vicinity for us to do here. I suppose you could call our weekly shopping trips day dates, but I won't. We thought we'd snorkel here, but haven't yet. I'll keep in mind the tip about the sunscreen if we ever get around to it.

Jen Ketcher said...

Wow. FU}N!! Im glad you guys are getting out and enjoying Guam!

The Sullengers said...

That does sound fun! Look at you guys taking advantage of all the fun stuff!

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!