Morgan really enjoyed watching the animals and it was fun pointing them out to her. She only went on one ride but didn't seem too disappointed about it.
Brent loved this picture of her and the Beluga. It swam right over to her and it was like they were just checking each other out.
The new Blue Horizons show was really neat. There were a lot more people involved in the show doing high platform diving and trapeze type stuff but it was cool. The Dolphins are always fun to watch. I think we appreciate them more now that we have been able to see them pretty up close in the ocean lately while at the beach.
I'm glad we got to go but I don't think we'll need to go again for a while. Thanks Sea World!
those are amazing pictures! I feel like I was there!
What a fun update. Thanks for posting. It looks like San Diego is treating you well. Maybe we'll make it down there to visit one of these days! Morgan is adorable.
I'm told I've been to Sea World, but I don't remember, so I've always wanted to go back - maybe next year :)
I'm glad you guys are having so much fun back in CA. Great photos! I can't believe how grown up Morgan looks. She's so pretty!
Wow - it looks like Sea World has changed since I've been (20yrs ago!) The pictures are great and Caroline has now added Sea World to the list of places we HAVE to go to!
You live in such a fun place! And seriously, Paij, you are beautiful! You look fantastic.
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