Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Morgan's Pre-Birthday Party

Morgan turned 3 on Sunday. I can't believe it. Brent had 24 hour duty on her birthday of course, so we had a family party Saturday night. We just opened presents and had cake but she loved every minute. She is very into the Disney princesses and Dora the Explorer so of course she got hooked up.
She loves her Cinderella jewelry,

And her princess music pop-up book,

And of course her new princess barbies.

She also had to have a blue castle cake because blue is her new favorite color. It matches her eyes and daddy's eyes.

A little about our three year old princess:
She is very strong willed but also very sweet. She is quick to say, "Thank you for making this dinner mom," or "Thank you for saying that good prayer", or "Good driving mom!" She loves to sing but mostly just talk about anything and everything. She doesn't really eat anything consistently. I feel like I have to bribe her to eat anything except strawberries and gogurt. She hasn't napped for almost a year and usually gets up much earlier than I would like but she does way better on little sleep than I do. She is mostly a scaredy cat. She will only go down a slide after much coaxing and often only if you're holding her hand but she loves to swing. She says the wind makes her happy. She makes us very happy and we are so grateful to have her in our family, stubbornness and all. We love you Morgan, Happy Birthday!


Lant Family said...

She is so pretty and I can't believe she is 3! Looks like a fun party!

Susan said...

She's such a "big kid" now! I would love to hear her talking in those big full sentances. To me, she'll always be about 18 months old!

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!