Monday, September 12, 2011

Hunter Family Time

For my brother's wedding, most of my family was able to come down and spend a couple days in San Diego. While they were here, besides wedding stuff, we went to the beach, went bowling, mini golfing, swam in my pool and just hung out. It's always fun to have family together.

Nice action shot of Cypress

Lexi and Dylan congratulating Bode on getting a strike.

Grandma and Morgan making a sand castle.
Everyone left Sunday after the wedding and I took the girls and drove up to my parents for the week before the reception that Saturday.

The kids enjoyed sitting on, not riding, grandpa's new miniature horses.

Brent flew up the day of the reception and the girls were happy to see their daddy.

1 comment:

Terry and Kalli said...

too much fun! wish it happened more often!

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!