Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Since Easter was conference weekend, we had to dress up for church the week before. Morgan and I wore matching outfits. It was kind of fun.

The traditional bunny cakes. It's hardly Easter with out them.

I couldn't have done them however, without the help from my friend Brien. She chose to make a purple one. I thought it turned out great.

Morgan was not super impressed with the egg dying process. I think she was just overly tired. We put hers in this whisk so we didn't have to worry about her dropping it. But she didn't want to put it in the water, she just wanted to shake it. Finally we just gave her an egg and let her put stickers on it.

Here's the finished product in all their glory. Yeah, we're not very artistic.


The Sullengers said...

With her hair - she kinda looks like she could be in an 80's rock band! Love it!

Alayna said...

The bunny cakes are so much fun! What a cool family tradition.

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!