Friday, February 3, 2012

Family Vacation in Hawaii

On our way to Guam, we decided to make an extended stop on Oahu while we already had the flight paid for. We were there for three days. It was super low-key but beautiful and perfect. We stayed on the South East side at Bellow's Air Force base in some little cottages on the beach. It was so nice to hear the waves crashing at night and step out our door to watch the sunrise. On Friday, we watched the sunrise, played in the water, and went mini-golfing.

Saturday, we drove around the island and stopped where ever we wanted. This Buddhist temple was first on the list. Then we ran across this shallow area and had to get in it.

Then we drove up to the temple and hung out on the grounds for a while. They are so beautiful.

Then we went up to the Pipeline where they were having a surfing competition in the 20ish foot waves. It was so cool to watch. I felt like I was watching a surfing video. We were super lucky to catch it at the right time of year. Then we got snow cones and watched the sunset. It was fabulous. (Click to enlarge. There on people riding these waves)

Brent got up one morning and went snorkeling with his new underwater camera. He thought it was pretty awesome and we hope to be able to capture more of that underwater life over the next three years.


Terry and Kalli said...

sooo jealous! Great new camera pics! can't wait to see some from guam

Sarah Henry said...

I'm jealous also. I'm so glad you guys are feeling better. I am also grateful to those strangers who came to your aid. I can't wait to see more pictures. Snakes? Traps? I think that would be a deal breaker for me.

The Sullengers said...

When I see your vacation posts, I feel like we should be right there with you! Maybe we can vacation in Guam in the next couple years :)

Morgan Kennedy Collins

Morgan is one month old!